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Valuentum Commentary
Jul 13, 2018
What Are the Downside Risks of Gilead Sciences?
We think the risk-reward at Gilead remains positively skewed in investors’ favor, but let’s examine the downside case for Gilead Sciences so there are no surprises. It’s always a good approach to evaluate where an investor may go wrong with an investment idea, and assessing upside and downside cases, as in a fair value range, remains par for the course. Jul 10, 2018
Biogen Hits a Potential Home Run
We closely follow the progress of the clinical pipeline of companies in the pharma/biotech sector. Unlike other less product-driven industries, the pharma/biotech sector can experience wide swings in operating performance as a result of the lapsing of patent protection on key drugs, underscoring the importance of innovation to replace aging products. Biogen may have hit a home run in the critical field of Alzheimer's, an area of tremendous untapped need. Jun 27, 2018
Roche Continues to Underwhelm
We like cutting-edge, novel therapies as they have a transformative impact on a small to mid-cap biotech as years of revenue growth could be in the cards. While new therapies are the life-blood of the research field, the impact of a new novel therapy on the growth prospects of a large cap is often muted, however. Such is the fate of Roche as it struggles to replace its mainstay oncology division with new patent-protected entities. Jun 13, 2018
The Promise of CAR-T Therapy
Image Source: Gilead. The medical field, particularly the biotech industry, is quite innovative, and advances in medicine can help a specific target population with the ultimate gift--the gift of a better life. We’re excited by the stunning advances in the CAR-T field for the treatment for various forms of cancer that have, in the past, come with an often-bleak prognosis. We expect a shift in the advances in immune-oncology as the CAR-T revolution is in its early stages. May 30, 2018
Study: Valuentum's Best Ideas Newsletter Portfolio
"Though we largely achieved the Best Ideas Newsletter portfolio’s goals in advancing the newsletter portfolio each publication year (ends December 15) and achieving relative outperformance and risk-adjusted superiority to the benchmark, we may have done even better had our equity allocation been full during the measurement period." -- Brian Nelson, CFA Apr 25, 2018
The Transformation of Novartis Continues
Image Source: Taki Steve. Leadership change can often bring a great deal of uncertainty especially when a new leader is replacing a successful CEO. In the case of Novartis, we are witnessing a focused effort to streamline the business: a deliberate attempt to shift focus from a sprawling healthcare enterprise towards a more pure-play pharma/biotech powerhouse with an innovative, cutting-edge product portfolio. Apr 18, 2018
ICYMI: Valuentum’s Improved Stock and ETF Web Pages
Valuentum has rolled out improved stock and ETF web pages on its website Now, subscribers can access key proprietary information on the stock and ETF web pages in addition to the customary stock and ETF reports. Mar 29, 2018
Dividend Highlights in Big Pharma
The first quarter of 2018 will go down in the record books as one of the most volatile in recent memory--a sharp jump out of the gate was met with significant selling at the end of March as numerous political and economic worries entered the picture. We believe a timely review of some of the dividend stalwarts is in order. Mar 28, 2018
PCSK9 Woes Weigh on Amgen and Regeneron
Image shown: Amgen and Regeneron have both meaningfully trailed the market since October of 2017. The robustness of the clinical pipeline offers an important clue regarding the health and vitality of a biotech/pharma company, as the clinical pipeline is critical towards maintaining and growing the top line. One of the most promising, and dare-we-say, overhyped new treatments to enter the market is the PCSK9 cholesterol-lowering agents, with Amgen and Regeneron leading the pack. Let’s discuss the results of Regeneron’s treatment along with a discussion of the path forward for the treatment. Mar 12, 2018
The "Luck" and "Randomness" of Index Funds
If the year-to-year performance of active funds relative to index funds can be considered “random,” so then is the year-to-year performance of index funds relative to active funds, regardless of fees and expenses. Image shown: page 1 of 14. Latest News and Media The High Yield Dividend Newsletter, Best Ideas
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